Chapter 7 is titled "The Heartbeat of Love."
The author mostly shares a personal story with us in this chapter so there isn't a whole lot to discuss. So I'd mostly like to hear your thoughts on what he shared.
1) What did you think of Tammy's story?
2) Do you think more pregnancy centers like the one she went to should exist?
Any other thoughts are welcome!
6 years ago
Hey Holly. I'm so sorry that the marker still isn't up! I would be very frustrated. If you haven't already, I would call either the cemetery or the funeral home, depending on who you bought it from. My husband works for a cemetery, and he said that it should definitely be up by now! I wish that we were closer and I'd have him take care of it for you. You are such a strong momma, and I hope that you continue to keep your head high!
1) What did you think of Tammy's story? I thought it was great and thought she was very lucky.
2) Do you think more pregnancy centers like the one she went to should exist? Yes. If there were lots of people supporting a center, each person wouldn't have to chip in too much. Pro-choice people like to retort that you wouldn't want to adopt every baby saved from being killed by abortion, but the baby could be raised by its own mother if enough people chipped in to help her.
1) What did you think of Tammy's story?
What a wonderful testimony! I am so glad she dialed the number for the pregnancy center the church started and it had only been open a few days! God was working for sure! Emotions can be so high in the beginning. Rash decision, like abortion, can be made and regret seeps in later. I wish all women thinking of abortion could get appropriate counseling.
2) Do you think more pregnancy centers like the one she went to should exist?
I definitely do! Women should be able to get all the facts without being pressured or swayed in a certain direction. And no lies or deceit!!
Tammy's story is so great & so wonderful how God let things turn out for her.
Yes there should be more centers for women to go to for help. I grew up in Ohio. I grew up in Amish country but after High School I moved to Wooster Ohio. In 2000 I went to the hospital for a terrible backache & little did I know there was a baby inside me. Alot of people say how could you not know but it was a true gift from God. Anyway I had a baby boy that nite. The hospital called the pregnancy care center in our town since it was a baby not planned for & that next morning they brought a big wicker basket of things I would need for my son & also a lady came to see me even after I was released from the hospital. I stayed in contact w/ them my son's first year & he even made there newsletter one month w/ his birth story. Since then I donate clothes & anything to them. They have good programs for young girls or anyone & it is christian based. I will never forget them & how they helped me. I think every town should have something like this. It's nice to know that there are places like that & caring people for women. HUGS !!
I'm getting to this really late!
1) This story is amazing and it's just something I wish every person considering an abortion could see!
2) I definitely think we need more places like this! In Ashland, we have a care center and they do ultrasounds now! I just think it's so great! I think it would be a lot harder to make the decision to abort once you've seen that baby on an US with the little heart beating, etc.
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