Also, I received a card from the Wilmington Public Library saying that my friend Rachel, who lives in Arizona, donated a book to the library in memory of Carleigh. The book is Someday Heaven by Larry Libby. It is a illustrated children's book that answers children's questions about Heaven. Thank you for such a nice gesture!
6 years ago
Holly, you have some wonderful friends out there!
That is great!! I love the idea of donating a book.. I have never thought about that before. Very awesome!!
How nice of Kate! She's awesome. We need to get together with her soon. How amazing that people are still thinking of Carleigh.
That is a great verse, and I LOVE the idea of donating a book. Something I would have never thought of. Just another way that Carleigh will touch people's lives in many years to come.
That was so nice of Kate and Rachel to do that for you. You are so blessed by people who care for you and love you so much. Lean on the love of God and others to help you through the day when it seems so rough. I love you
I love that verse and it is one of the ones that I am considering for Noah's headstone should we choose burial. Still undecided on that one. But that is a beautiful plaque and so very thoughtful....
Also, what a wonderful gesture to donate a book in Carleigh's name. Such wonderful friends and great ideas to remember Carleigh.
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