I had another OB appointment today. My BP was 102/64 and my weight was 120.5 lbs so I am down 1/2 a lb from last week. Carleigh's heart rate was 148 bpm and she even decided to kick the doppler for fun. What a spunky lil girl! I am displeased to say that I have fallen even further behind on my growth. I turn 35 weeks tomorrow and my fundal height is measuring around 29cm. Thus, I am 6 weeks behind, which is even further than my last appointment. This really worries me. Dr. F left it up to me whether I wanted to get an US. I, of course, want one and it is scheduled for tomorrow at 10am.
Dr. F and I discussed all the options. It is looking like Carleigh has IUGR (Intrauterine Growth Restriction) and that is not good. Having IUGR increases Carleigh's chances of being stillborn and that is something I do not want at all. So it is very likely that I will not be going to my due date like I had wanted. I guess it all depends on how tomorrow's US goes. If she is significantly behind on her growth then it may be time for her to come out. They will only be able to measure her femur length and abdominal circumference so that will all we have to go by. I have an appointment set up next week to go back to Dr. Fauley. She plans on doing the Strep B and checking my cervix.
Please pray for Carleigh's US tomorrow. I am hoping that her growth isn't as far behind as my belly is but in all honesty I am not that optimistic. It's not good for her to be farther than 3 weeks behind and the last time I had an US tech check her growth (not scheduled) she was around 3 weeks behind. PRAY HARD!!!
Heading in the right direction!
1 month ago
My docs told me the same thing about Logan, that he was a few weeks behind. He came out at 40 weeks weighing 6lbs.
I will keep my fingers crossed that your US goes well and that she is growing better!
AW, Man. I hope all goes well. We will be praying for you! Thank you so much for the update!
You never know, they could be wrong. Wouldnt be the first time God stepped in like that! Keep your hope up! We'll keep praying.
My husband and I will be praying for you!! God's way is the best way and we pray you have peace in whatever He chooses for you and for Carleigh! God Bless!
I have prayed for you and will continue to do so! Like Nicole said, I pray that Carleigh may be measuring behind in weeks but is developing and gaining weight just fine!
Praying for Carleigh here at our house! I am praying that it is just growth decrepancy. We were told that Kendall was tiny by fundal growth and she wieghed in at 6 10oz.
Also praying for peace while you travel through this incredible journey with Carleigh
So sorry to hear about the recent newws. I know that God is watching over her and taking the time to let her grow. You are all in my prayers. I wish you had healing oil because I would rub that on your tummy and say healing prayers for her. I will pray that things will go well tomorrow. I love you Holly stay strong and have faith.
LOve Aunt Nancy
Waiting to hear about your Ultra sound.....
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