I had an ob appointment today. My BP was 100/68 and my weight was 121 lbs. I took my release forms for the Duke study so that they could send my medical records to Duke. They also faxed the release form to the maternal fetal specialist I went and saw. I'm glad they were able to do that for me or else it would've been a big hassle! Carleigh's heart rate was good at 132 bpm. The bad news is I am still measuring small and I have fallen even further behind. Today at 33 1/2 weeks I am measuring 28.5 cm, which is 5 weeks behind. Dr. F offered an ultrasound if I wanted it now but I said no. At the time though I had added or subtracted (or whatever) wrong and thought I was only 3 weeks behind so I thought I was doing better so that's why I declined it. It wasn't until later today that I actually realized I was 5 weeks and not 3 weeks behind. I wish I would've took the ultrasound now. She does plan on getting one more at least so that is good. I have an appointment next Thursday so maybe we'll schedule it then.
We talked a little about delivery but not a lot. I've decided that I'm going to go ahead with a vaginal delivery. I know Anthony would rather I had a vaginal because he's worried something might happen to me with a c-section. Granted, it's not very likely but he still worries. A c-section would be less trauma on Carleigh's head but how much is really the question. I don't know how less traumatic it would be and there are no guarantees that with a c-section that she will live longer. It could help but then again it might not matter. Recovery for me with a vaginal would definitely be easier. It's a hard decision to make. There are pros and cons to both. With a vaginal I'd be able to have her in my arms immediately but I probably could with a c-section too given the circumstances. I know I'm more comfortable with having a vaginal delivery because I know what to expect since I've been through it before. The way I see it no matter what I choose I could always look back and say I wish I would've chose the other for one reason or another. If she ends up not living very long and I get a c-section I'll probably wish I would've had a vaginal so I could really hold her close and have her immediately. If I have a vaginal and she ends up not living long I'll wonder if a c-section could've prolonged her life. No matter what I'll always wonder if I made the right decision. For now though, my choice is a vaginal. Let's hope I don't regret it too much.
Tonight I need to update my birth plan to include the Duke study. Tomorrow I'm going to give Kathy, the manager of Mother Baby Care, a copy for the floor to have. I asked her today if they had received one yet and they hadn't. Updated copies will have to go to Dr. F and Dr. Z too. I'm also going to go over everything I have written down already and make sure it is something I still want. I believe a few things have changed.
6 years ago
Have peace with your decision my dear..its okay...you are a wonderful mother!!!!
Holly, only you can make that decision and it is ok no matter what you decide. It will be ok and dont have any doubts, things will work out ok. After all, the Lord is on your side and he is watching out for the both of you!!
Love Ya-Mom
Holly, I think you made the best decision for you and Carleigh. And you're right, either way you would have decided you probably would always have a case of the "what ifs". I suspect that would be normal. I myself am still trying to decide that very thing as well. I think I have a plan in mind but am just not sure. I am glad to hear that the docs were willing to fax your paperwork for you. Saves you a trip!
I am sorry to hear you are measuring small. I am not sure what that means as I have never had that happen myself but I am sure they will make sure you are taken care of. Good luck.
As always you are in my prayers.
God be with you. I haven't faced that decision as I know going in with every pregnancy that I have to had a scheduled section. You'll be blessed for your valiant efforts to make all the right choices for your perfect baby. Thinking of you!
Holly - I think you made the right decision. As you pointed out earlier, a c-section is major surgery, and you will want to hold Carleigh as soon as possible. Granted, you probably would be able to hold her within 20 minutes to a half hour, but every minute is going to be precious to you. Plus, you must also consider the recovery time you would have from a c-section. I don't think you would want to have to deal with that on top of everything else.
There's always going to be that 'what if' factor if you go with something else. You know I had c-sections with my 2. Second time was a planned repeat. I don't think c-sections are bad at all.
Anyways, it's a decision only you will know what is best. Good luck with it!
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