I don't remember where I got the idea but a while ago I read something about someone getting their medical records and having them as sort of a keepsake. I thought that it was a pretty good idea. Medical documentation of my daughter's life. I kept the idea in my head but it kept getting pushed back in my head until I almost forgot about it. I don't know what made me remember but on Tuesday it suddenly came to me to actually do it. So I did.
Now I work in the same hospital where all the records of Carleigh's scans and my labor and delivery were so on my lunch break I went to the Medical Record department and requested them. There were around 40 pages so I went through them and picked out the ones I wanted. I would've taken them all but you have to pay per page and at $1.50 per page it would've been quite pricey to get them all. (And that was even with my employee discount!) Some of them were ones I prolly wouldn't want anyway, like Nutrition and my discharge instructions. I only really wanted things that were about Carleigh. So I went through them and selected 18 of them. Most of the ones I picked were ones that documented the progress of my labor from start of the Pitocin to Carleigh's delivery. There were several other ones I picked too.
Later before I left work I got copies of my ultrasounds put on a disc. I had that done in the department where I work (Radiology). I only had 3 scheduled ultrasounds but 2 of the 'just for fun' ones that we did later in my pregnancy got put in the system too when they were done so I had them on the disc too. I really like having all the images of her that were ever taken (besides at the MFM office I went to-I'm never stepping foot in there again).
It feels really nice to have these records.
*Edit* I got the idea about the records from my friend Holly who is Freja's mommy. Holly and I originally met through Diaperswappers and were in the same April due date club. Thank you Holly!!
6 years ago
Good idea. We got Nate's records too. But not for a keepsake. We got them to send to our CHLA doctor's to figure out why he died.
I never looked through them but maybe someday I'll want them.
What a nice idea. I would never have thought about asking for something like that. I didnt know you could even request copies of them (of course they would charge for them, anything for a nickel and dime!). Will you be adding them to Carleigh's scrap book? Or in a safe somewhere?
Good for you Holly. I think that I would want those records too. Now you have just a little more of her to hold on to. I pray for your comfort.
if there's any pages you kinda want but can't pay for, i'll pay for them... just email me. something like money shouldn't stop you from having whatever evidence of your daughter's life you can get.
What a great idea. I've often wondered what all the records include of when I gave birth to my girls. Glad you got them!
If I remember correctly, you might've gotten the idea from me :) When I wrote about the day I picked up Freja's records you left a note saying you thought it was a great idea to have them and that you were going to look into getting Carleighs.
I'm so glad that you did get them. I know for me it was so hard to remember all the details of Freja's life, and also her birth because I had a c/s under general anestesia and DP was whisked out of the room so neither of us witnessed her birth and the procedures which followed shortly after.
The woman I dealt with in the Records Department was awesome!! She waived all our fees for over 200 pages of records. They would've cost a fortune!
You're right Holly it was you! Thanks for the reminder b/c once you mentioned it it totally came to me. Thank you for giving me the idea to do this.
Thats great. I am glad that you were able to get those.
Wow that's really a great idea something I never would have thought of. Glad you were able to get them.
Several months ago I decided I wanted our baby's records from 1974It took weeks, and a lot of searching for the hospital,but I finally got them. I paid a nominal fee, and was glad I did. I hoped beyond hope that her footprints would be there. They weren't, but I did find out how long she was. I had never known before.I can underatand you wanting her records. I can understand you wanting everything that pertained to Carleigh. The pictures of her and Kyndra are so sweet and I know you are so proud to be their mother.
Blessings and prayers, Sarita Boyette
It is a wonderful idea. I planned on getting my records when I feel that I can step into the hospital Jasper was born. I was going to get his records to see if there was some things they didn't tell me or left out. I had a bad experience.
I did the same thing with both my boys..I just have them put up in case I ever decide to go to another specialist..
Thanks so much for stopping by today! It's so nice to meet you!
What a great idea!
I have been thinking of getting my sons records for years and have put it off. Not because I don't want them but because I am afraid of the emotions of it all... silly huh.. I know i will get them eventually cause I really want to see what happened through out the whole three days of my labor with him. some of it I don't remember because of how much pain I was in and how tired all the drugs made me. You have inspired me into searching out get the records again. Your a wonderful Momma and I love reading your blog!
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