Giveaway #8 is the final giveaway in celebration of Carleigh's birthday. It is by Heather from Heatherly Designs. Thanks Heather!
First, let me say to my beautiful daughter, Happy Birthday Carleigh! You were born today at 3:49 am and it was one of the best moments of our lives. Also, I will post soon about her party but I am just so tired right now that I don't have the energy to do more than post about this giveaway.
This giveaway is for a necklace with 2 petite angel wings. The wings are antiqued silver and dangle from a silver chain. There is no clasp for this necklace. You just tie the ends together in the front. The necklace itself is 18" and the wings are 1 1/8" long.
To enter this giveaway, please leave a comment telling me anything about your own little angel. It doesn't matter what it is. Just share whatever you like!
As a reminder, all the giveaways that I have held are open and will close at the same time. You can read about that and more here.
These angel wings are beautiful!
I would like to say about my Meredith that I loved her so much and will always love her. She was a much wanted child, and I will never forget her.
Sarita Boyette
Happy Birthday Carleigh!!!!
I can't wait to hear about her special party! Thank you for doing all these give-aways, Holly, what a wonderful way to honor Carleigh's day.
I just want to say that my little girl Eliana is such a beautiful little princess, and we love her so much! Not a day does by that I don't think of her and miss her, and I can't wait until that sweet day when we'll be together again.
Happy, happy birthday Carleigh!!! There are so, so many who have been so honored to know of your life and to know your mommy!! I don't know if Heaven works like tis, but if it does, and you see my Matthew, maybe you could play ring-around-the-rosies with him. He was SUCH a wiggle worm inside of me and he loved chocolate cake. Maybe if you get cake there, and it's chocolate, you might share a bite with him.
Holding your mommy close! xoxo
Happy Birthday Carleigh!!! Holly, you are such an inspiring mother, and I love the way that you've honored your sweet angel and are celebrating her birthday in such a sweet way!
My angel Dylan was beautiful in every way! I loved his full, dark head of hair. I loved his sweet, soulful eyes. I loved holding him and knowing that, in his short life, he really did know and feel true, true love.
Thank you for doing all these giveaway, but moreso for letting us share our angels with you!
Kat @ In Dylan's Memory
Happy Birthday Carleigh!!!<3
That necklace is gorgeous!
Courtney had the longest most beautiful feet and fingers. I loved looking at all her features. Colin was so tiny, but so perfect. He was so very precious. Jaxon used to always hold onto his vent tube or place his hands by his head, just like his daddy does. Sigh...Love you Jacoco
I am a follower too!
Happy Birthday Sweet baby Carleigh!
Wow so much to say about Juanito. I will just say he has done more for our family in such a short time than anybody else these past 12 years. He has taught us so much and brought us closer together. he showed us the true meaning of family and how we need to live our live. He is my true hero!!!
Happy Birthday Carleigh !!
I never got to meet my angels but I always loved them so much. I always wanted them and even in the rush of our family they are never forgotten.
You are such a awesome Mommy and the way you have honored Carleigh all week has been breathtaking. I can't wait to hear all about it.
Holding you close in my thoughts.
I'm a follower too.
Happy Birthday Carleigh!
About Jasper, He always stayed to the left in my belly and on my bladder. I always used to laugh when the doctor would try and get his heartbeat on the right side. I would always try and tell them exactly where he was, but they never listened.
Happy Birthday Carleigh!!
I just want to share that Morgan was and is very special to me, and that Blumpy is as well. I love my children very muuch.
I follow :)
Happy Birthday Carleigh! I never got to meet my angel, but I have had dreams about my sweet baby angel. In my dreams it's always a little baby girl and she looks just like her brother with blonde hair and deep blue eyes. It always warms my heart when I have dreams about her because I know she is right there with me (:
I follow as well
I just wanted to say Happy Birthday to Carleigh, and that I'm thinking of you today Holly. Love, Kristie
Happy birthday carleigh! Holly, I hope that her party yesterday was everything you wanted it to be!
Something about my son would be, that he lead me back to Christ. Being a mother is treasured gift that God honors us with and I am thankful for my son. For his presence and what he has done for me - opened my eyes.
Sweet Birthday Wishes - Carleigh! I'm currently 29 weeks carrying my precious Karinne. It's tough knowing that she won't be with us for long. But I'm glad I know to cherish every kick and wiggle in my tummy. I hope and pray that I can walk this journey with as much faith, grace and love as you have, Holly. Thanks for sharing Carleigh with us and letting us help you celebrate her life!
Happy Birthday Carleigh! I hope you are soaring with the angels.
Not entering the giveaway. just want to send you some love.
Happy Birthday, Carleigh!! I will be thinking about you so much today, Holly. This time last year.... what a truly bittersweet time for us both. I never could've imagined that we'd be on this journey together, but I've said it before and I'll say it again - our meeting just a couple of months before our babies births was meant to be. I'll always feel as though you were a guardian angel sent to me to take me by the hand and help me, especially during that early time when I felt so alone. I've met so many wonderful people through your blog and have discovered that this community is far bigger than I ever could've fathomed... I just want you to know, because of all of this, how much your sweet Carleigh's life has touched mine.
I'll never forget how awake Freja would be at night. Both inside me, and once she was born. At night while she was in the NICU, DP and I would scurry to the cafeteria quickly so we could make it back in time for Freja's 'wakeful' period which would come almost like clockwork at 10:30pm. She would open her eyes so wide and look all over the place. She would look back and forth at us as we spoke to her. Looking into her eyes was the most amazing thing ever.
Happy Birthday Carleigh!
Can't wait to hear about the party. *hugs*
My Connor was the most beautiful baby with strawberry blonde hair and bright blue eyes. And he loved music.
Happy Birthday Carleigh!!!!
You are missed and loved more than you could ever know.
Happy Birthday Carleigh! You are loved and dearly missed.
Holly, I know you must be exhausted. I hope you are holding up alright. I can't wait to hear all about Carleigh's party when your rested. I wish I could have been there in person, but I was there in spirit :)
Happy BDay Carleigh!
Happy birthday to Carleigh - we're all thinking of you!
Happy Birthday Carleigh. My angel was born 3/23/06 after I Pprom'd. He was 16w3d. I would love to have a necklace like this to remember him by. His sister was born 7/25/07 at 32 wks and would not be here had we not gone thru testing and specialist after her brother died. He is our hero. We love you Stanford.
Happy Birthday Carleigh. What a wonderful way to celebrate the life of your little angel. We lost our son who was 13 days old to multiple birth defects which were not compatible with life. He would have been 4 this year in December. I am keeping you in my prayers for a peaceful day today and know that Carleigh is holding you close in her angel wings to protect you.
Happy Birthday Carleigh!
My niece or nephew went to the next life at 7 weeks in utero....although I never knew her or him I think about them often and all that my sister went through.....
Rest in Peace Baby Angel K
Happy Birthday Carleigh!!!
Holly, you are so wonderful for doing this, what a great way to celebrate Carleigh's life!!! I hope the party turned out to be just the way you planned. I emailed the pictures of the balloons we released for Carleigh, it was a beautiful day here in CA, nice and warm.
I have so many memories of Sami, she was an active one in my belly! I think what just touches me so much is the fact that made it so long with me with her broken little heart and tummy and having the mass attached to head. It was fairly large and heavy. I am amazed by her strength and the fact that she NEVER showed any discomfort, Sami is my hero.
Again, THANK YOU for being so wonderful, you are an amazing mommy!
Happy birthday sweet baby girl! thinking of you and your sweet mommy today*
1 thing about Ella..she was so sassy and bossy..even though she couldn't talk, she would let you know exactly what she wanted..she would cry when my husband would bother her if she was watching TV or trying to sleep.. then he would walk away and she would quit.. such personality..we miss her so much, but know one day we will hold her again..
Happy birthday precious Carliegh; I know you spent it watching your Mommy with Jayden and all the other angel babies, eating cake and playing with balloons. I sent you that special pink cupcake balloon with Jaydens blue star, I know in my heart you played with them together until your heart was content <3
My sweet little Jayden was meant to be cherrished always. He was beuatiful, bright eyed, and the happiest little soul I had ever encountered. My favorite thing about my wonderful and amazing son was that he was almost two, but he acted ten. I loved my little miracle, and that is exactly what he will always be! <3
I follow.
I follow your blog too :)
thinking of you and praying... thank you for sharing your story and beautiful daughter carleigh with us!
Special Birthday wishes to an angel baby whose life has had such a huge impact on so many lives! sweet Birthday wishes Carleigh!
Praying for you Holly.. I know these days are so hard, and you have been on my mind and in my heart.
I love you!
Happy Birthday to Carleigh!
My sweet Jacob was stillborn on Mothers Day, 1998. There is not a more profound way to learn about motherhood than to learn what it is like to miss the baby you never got to know. He taught me about growing a baby, about what's important, about life. He will never, ever be forgotten.
Happy Birthday Carliegh! I dont know much about my baby. He/she was a surprise, but was greatly wanted. You are still greatly missed.
Happy Birthday sweet Carleigh, you are in the hearts and minds of many today and we all love you.
Holly, hope you are doing ok, thinking of you xxxooo Love, Nan
happy birthday sweet little girl! blessings on your heart sweet momma!
Happy Birthday Carleigh!!
Our angel was born Feb. 17th 2010 and God wanted her on Feb. 21, 2010. Our little granddaughter Norah was here for a reason, the reason was to witness to her parents and many other people around her. We got to hold her and love her for 4 days. Norah is up in Jesus' arms now. Her big sister Lilly now has a guardian angel following her. It is very sad for us and for my daughter and her husband. But we have faith that we will see her again. I can hardly wait. Norah was born with Trisomy 13.
Happy Birthday Carliegh!!! I hope Madelyn and all the other little ones in our blog community join her for a wonderful celebration in heaven today. You are so sweet, doing these giveaways in honor of your daughter. I just know she would be so proud to call you her mother.
Madelyn was such a little ornery baby in my womb; we always get a laugh because she would kick the ultrasound techs, and one time she even kicked the nurse who was not being very nice to me!
I'm thinking of Carleigh, and want you to know that you're in my thoughts and prayers today. I'm sure Isaiah and Carleigh are having an awesome time celebrating.
Happy Birthday Carleigh McKenna!
I hope that the giveaways are still open. My internet has been down the past few days so i havent been abke to enter :)
The angle wings are beautiful.
Eli and Jett were identicle and i was so scared that i was going to mix them up but when i seen them i thought that i was being so silly because they looked so different, there size was the main difference but there features were also so different, they didnt look anything like each other, looking at them i wouldnt think that they were identicle.
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