Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Baby Kicks

One of the things I enjoy the most right now is feeling Carleigh kick around inside me. She is so much more active than Kyndra ever was! (An interesting tidbit is babies with anencephaly seem to be much more active in the womb than babies without this condition. I'm not sure why this is but many moms say so. Maybe it is to remind us that they're in there and they love us.) Sometimes I swear she kicks 24/7 and she can kick pretty darn hard too. She's actually kicking me right now-like she's running her foot (and probably an arm too!) up and down inside me. It feels so neat. I'll sit in the tub with my hot water and just watch her kick at my tummy. Her kicks remind me that right now she is very much alive and well inside her little home. I wish it could always stay that way. But I know the day will come when she will be born and the kicks will cease. How empty I will feel! When days get so hectic I know I need to stop and appreciate her acrobatics because they won't always be there and I will soon long for the day to feel them again.


Betty said...

I miss that feeling so is so awesome to feel that life moving around inside of you.

Brooks said...

I so appreciate how you try and dwell on all the positives. Pregnancy is amazing. I'm looking forward to #2. Oh, I like your new background.

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