Monday, February 06, 2012

Naming Our Babies

This week, we are sharing how we chose the names for our babies and any special meaning behind them.

One of my favorite things about having a baby is picking out baby names. Call me crazy but I think it is fun!

I started looking for names not long after I found out I was pregnant with Carleigh. What I do is I go through a whole bunch of names and write down ones I like. I then take my long list to my husband Anthony and he gets rid of names he doesn't like. I take the list back and get rid of more names. When there's only a couple names left we decide together. This has been the system for all 4 of our girls.

I found out that Carleigh was a girl at 15 weeks and we decided on her name not long after we found out her gender. I didn't look up the meaning of her name at all. I just liked it. After her diagnosis though her name took on new meaning for me.

Carleigh means 'freeholder'. If you are unsure what freeholder means, basically it is one who holds title to real property. While the earthly definition of freeholder can be pretty darn confusing (look it up, it seriously is), I like to think of it as my daughter holds title to a piece of Heaven. Her middle name McKenna means 'ascend'. Of course I like this because I imagine her rising into Heaven to meet Jesus.

Perth, Australia 2

I'd thought I'd let you know the meanings of my other children's names:

Hannah's name means 'grace' and her middle name Nicole means 'victory of the people'. (Hannah is my step-daughter.)

Jordan's name means 'flowing down' and his middle name Leigh means 'meadow'. (Jordan is my first sweet baby I lost.)

Kyndra's name means 'greatest champion' and her middle name Renee means 'reborn'. (Kyndra is my 1st daughter I gave birth to.)

Lainey’s name means ‘bright, shining light’ and her middle name Iris means ‘rainbow’. (Lainey is my 1st rainbow baby, meaning my baby I had after I lost Carleigh. She’s actually our only child whose names were specifically picked for their meaning.)

Evanee’s name means ‘young warrior’ and her middle name Graycen means ‘grace of God’. (Evanee is my 2nd rainbow baby and due to be in our arms in June.)


Kelly @ Sufficient Grace Ministries said...

Love the meaning behind Carleigh's name. God knows, even when we do not. Her name is no accident! Love the meanings of all the names of your little ones! Lainey's middle name is especially fitting...and beautiful ! Love!!

Caroline said...

All the names are so beautiful. I love how special Carleigh's name is.

Katie said...

I love your taste in names! Obviously- since we both have a Carli (Carleigh). But, seriously... Evanee Graceyn- Just perfect! I love it! We're still struggling with names... but I'm being patient. :) By the way, congratulations on your new baby girl!

Karin said...

Such pretty names. I mostly love your method of choosing. :)

brigette said...

Such beautiful names and meanings. You guys do such a good job in the naming department. Hugs

Hannah Rose said...

Wow! I love all the meanings of your children's names! So powerful! And beautiful name too :)

Jennifer Ross said...

I love the meaning behind Carleigh's name, so so beautiful Holly... such thought put into it...

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