♥ I am remembering my babies, Carleigh McKenna & Jordan Leigh. ♥
Last year I did quite a few giveaways for the whole month of October. I wish that I could do that again this year but with me being on maternity leave and only half of it being paid it just isn't possible. But I wanted to at least do one giveaway.
I am giving away a $15 gift certificate to The Vintage Pearl. They offer a variety of handstamped jewelry. All you have to do to enter is just leave a comment with who you are remembering today, whether it be your own child or someone else's. This giveaway will end at 11:59 pm EST and the winner will be announced tomorrow.
i'm lighting a candle in memory of my daughter, Carli Hope, and sending thoughts and prayers to all the families who have traveled down this rough road. <3
♥ remembering my sweet baby boys, Bryston and Colton ♥ August 15, 2010. I will also be lighting candles in remembrance for other angel babies as well.
Today I remember Adelle Marie Young, my precious daughter. Not only because it is Rememberance day, but because one year ago today was the last breath she took on this earth...
Adelle Marie ~ Oct. 12-15th, 2009
Remembering my sons
Logan Ryan & Brody McRae 1.31.09
Wyatt River 5.31.10
and all of my angel parents babies as well.
Remembering my babies and all others today.
Thank you for sharing your story! If you wish I would love to be praying with you tonight at 7pm. If you wish link your blog to mine today so we can all unite today!
God's blessings, Courtney
Remembering Faith, and my two other babies. Also remembering all the other babies that went to Heaven way too soon!
I'm remembering my own six babies: Covenant Hope, Glory Hesed, Promise Anastasis, Peace Nikonos, Mercy Kyrie, and Victory Athanasius. I'm also remembering for friends around the world whose hearts have been broken.
une bougie sera en france en mémoire de tous... et je suis toujours là pour des mamans qui veulent un dessin de leur ange...
Remembering our daughter Isabella Grace. We will be lighting a candle for her and all the other babies gone to soon.
I am remembering my sweet Freja today (and always.) Also, the baby that I lost very early in pregnancy the year before Freja was born. And of course, all the babies of my amazing friends who I have met on this journey. ((hug))
I am remembering my Madelyn today, and all of her angel friends I've met on this journey.
Remembering each wiggle and kick,
each finger and toe,
each precious moment with our little girl.
Until we meet again...
Amelia Grace Lorang
July 28, 2010
Today I remember my two little ones. I also remember all of the little ones whose mothers I've met on this journey and have come to know as friends.
Remembering my little Isaiah Christopher today...... and all the other sweet babes gone to soon.
Remembering my twins Hunter & Heather, and my baby girl Emily Grace, as well as all those who have loss a baby,or child.(((HUGS)))
I am remembering my great uncle George, Who was stillborn. My grandmother still remembers her baby brother who passed. She said he was so beautiful. I would also like to remember all the babies who have passed.
Remembering Dylan Gabriel today, 6/11-17/2008.
Kat @ In Dylan's Memory
Remembering Ethan, Carleigh, Jordan, and all babies who have left us too soon.
I will light a candle for all of my friends who have lost sweet babies. Today we are rememebring our daughter Zehabu who we never got to meet.
Today we are remembering our little Vanessa along with Emma Jean, Patrick Lyle, Baby Young, and of course Carleigh and Jordan. Prayers going out to all the parents who have had to give up their little ones much too soon.
Remembering ourJordan Lee Bodey, April 17, 2010, and all the other sweet little ones who have gone to a better place! Until we hold them again!
Remembering my baby girl, Ella (May 10, 2010-May 11, 2010)
Always in my heart
Remembering Isaac today, and my 2 subsequent miscarriages....
Lighting a candle in remembrance of my little girl, Kennedy...and in memory of all babies gone too soon today. Hugs to you, Holly and to Carleigh.
Remembering my Ella Bella <3
and all of my beautiful friends babies taken too soon..xoxo
Hope Angel.
And many, many others.
I am honoring my 3 angels tonight. I have 3 seperate candles burning brightly for each of them! Baby Krieger 1- April 2008, Baby Krieger 2- 2009, Rylan Jayce Krieger May 15, 2010 5:51-7:18 pm. I am sending extra love tonight on Angels Wings to my babies! Mommy love you more than all the stars in the sky!
I am remembering the babies sent to heaven earlier of one of my closest friends. I am also remembering the babies my MIL lost years ago.
You're amazing, as always.
I am remembering my early loss and my Madeleine.
Please don't enter me in the giveaway. I have a piece of remembrance jewelry so maybe someone else will have a chance to get one.
I'm remembering your babies as well as all the babies who have gone home too soon.
In my family, we have had several losses, so I am remembering my Meredith, dad's baby brother, Calvin,cousin Cason Ray, nephew Joshua, and sister Janet.
Remembering my Faith, Grace, and Thomas...and so many others. Love to you!
Today I am remembering my three babies: Shannen Lee (7 weeks), Tobias Lee (6 weeks) and Madelyn Elizabeth (9-7-2010). Missing them all.
Remembering my daughter Cadynce today. And all the other angels out there.
im remembering my baby sister who passed away and was still born when my mom was 8 months. i miss here an dthink everday about who she would be
Today we lite a candle for all of the blogs of families that have lost their precious babies. Our lives were touched by Baby Jack and ever since then I have been faithfully following and praying for every chance I get. Love goes out to all of you whose blog I have yet to read. Know that we faithfully pray for you and your Angel Babies!
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