Friday, March 09, 2012

Writing on the Wall ~ baby boards

Writing on The Wall

I wanted to share about an awesome new project that my friend Misty has created. I met my Misty 3 years ago through the yahoo group ABFA when we were both pregnant with our babies who had been diagnosed with anencephaly. Misty gave birth on April 8, 2009 to her beautiful son, Isaac, who blessed his family with 70 minutes before entering Heaven. This project is in honor of him and Misty certainly found a beautiful way to honor her son.

The project is called Writing on the Wall. One of the very special things Misty does is create baby boards for babyloss moms to honor their precious babies. To read more about the inspiration behind this project and what she is offering for babyloss moms please visit her Babyloss Community page. She even has special pricing for babyloss moms who want a board for their baby-a discount of 30% off the regular price.

Misty made me my own board for Carleigh and it turned out so wonderful. (Plus Misty was fabulous to work with!) It’s so nice to have this board that says her name and I can see it every day. I was able to customize the color that I wanted my board along with the color of both fonts used. Fonts are also customizable. I even love the distressed look she gave my board.


The board currently sits in front of Carleigh’s picture by our computer. Eventually I’d like to hang a shelf to put it on.


Misty also offers individual blocks you can customize with whatever saying you would like. These start at $2.50 each. You could add your baby’s birthdate to a block and it would be a perfect addition to a baby board. You could even add a block with your baby’s birth stats too and then stack all the blocks to your liking.


The project just isn’t limited to blocks and boards either. You can have anything customized for your home, your car, or more. Misty sent me Carleigh’s name that I applied above the angel feet already on our van. I love how it looks even more than before!


If you are interested in getting your own baby board or other item email Misty at

If you are willing to do a blog post about the baby boards and help Misty spread the word about her new project, you can get 15% off your order. Just email her for details!


CynthiaS said...

Love it! And love the feet on your van!

Caroline said...

Love it all ! She does awesome work.

belle said...

how beautiful!!!!!!!!!! i wish i had the strength to fight to put something like that on my car or in my house! i feel as if i'm pushing everyone's patience y having the word "peace" in several places around my house... sigh... but i will see them in heaven. i can wait :D they are worth it.

Mary said...

quel magnifique travail et idée...

Holly said...

Oh, beautiful! I would love to do these for Jonathan and Asher, but Matt said I already have enough for now. *sigh* Maybe one day when we have the extra $$!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I love what she does. Thank you for the link.

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